Still, Easter Is Coming
We are officially a few days into Holy Week and Easter is quickly approaching, which means Lent is wrapping up. I set numerous goals for myself during this liturgical season.… Read More
Small Steps Toward Justice
Lately, I’ve been feeling quite overwhelmed by the brokenness in the world—-so overwhelmed that I have become numb to it. This world is full of pain and injustice. People are… Read More
He Reveals Himself Through Us
Over the weekend, I got to volunteer to help lead the confirmation retreat at my parish. It was really sweet to work with my peers, striving to glorify God and… Read More
Grappling With Spiritual Dryness
The concept of spiritual dryness has been on my mind a lot recently. As we mature spiritually, we are all bound to experience dry seasons. These spiritual droughts occur for… Read More
Catholic Social Teaching
The themes of Catholic Social Teaching have been coming up a lot in my life recently. As we experience this season Lent, I have been feeling particularly drawn toward advocating… Read More
A Fruitful + Healthy Lent
We are officially a week into Lent! Many of us are in very different places right now. We selected different things to give up. Some of us chose to take… Read More
Some Encouragement For Lent
Today we enter into the season of Lent. Personally, I feel like Lent has snuck up on me very quickly. This time of year is so busy and hectic, and… Read More
Preparing For Lent
With Ash Wednesday just a week away, I find myself pondering over what Lent will look like this year. Lent is my favorite liturgical season, but I also find it… Read More
Jesus, Help Me To Prioritize Your Peace
This time of year is busy. All sorts of deadlines are coming up. There are so many events to prepare for. So many commitments are requiring diligent work. Quite often,… Read More
My Soul Is Growing Weary
Lord, my soul is growing weary. I find myself confiding in false securities. My shame is ever growing as I turn to the same sins. I often question whether my… Read More
Rest In Christ
The concept of rest has been on my heart lately. I have been struggling to find genuine rest and peace. My soul often feels overwhelmed. My mind is burnt out.… Read More
Fostering Faithful Friendships
Lately, I’ve been pondering the importance of fostering faith-filled friendships. As cliché as it may sound, friends have the potential to help us discover Christ. Having a reliable and authentic… Read More


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