A Fruitful + Healthy Lent

We are officially a week into Lent!

Many of us are in very different places right now. We selected different things to give up. Some of us chose to take on various forms of prayer. Some of us are offering money, donations, or time to assist people in need. On top of all of this, we are leading distinct lives; we experience unique joys, struggles, and frustrations.

Obviously, the purpose of our Lenten penances is to refocus our lives around Jesus. God delights in our efforts, and He cultivates goodness and fruit when we allow Him to consume us. Satan does not appreciate this season, though.

He does not want us to grow. He does not want us to seek holiness. Therefore, he tempts us. And, I’ve noticed he usually goes to one extreme or another. He either he tries to convince us to become lax in our prayer and fasting or he encourages us to feed on scrupulosity.

I feel like we do not discuss the latter nearly enough.

We are human, so we have human needs. Lent is not a time for us to neglect our needs for the sake of sacrifice. Lent is not a time for us to harm ourselves physically, mentally, or spiritually. We must remember to nourish the bodies God created for us. We must keep our mind a healthy space.

So, while we are called to recognize our meekness, we should not utilize this season to cultivate habits that disregard our worth as humans. We cannot fall into the trap of thinking that deepening our pre-existing wounds will lead us to wholeness.

If you are struggling from an eating disorder, do not use Lent to alter your eating habits to worsen your condition.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, do not use Lent to push yourself past your physical limits.

If you are battling mental illness, do not use Lent to burn yourself out with an obscene amount of penances.

If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, do not use Lent to suppress your grievance.

If you feel alone, do not use Lent to isolate yourself.

Friend, take the time this Lent to not only pray and fast, but also to respect your God-given dignity. Set boundaries for yourself. Distinguish your faults from your vulnerability. Grow closer to the Lord while nurturing your body, mind, and soul.