A Litany For Life

October is Respect Life Month. The Gospel of life is emphasized throughout this month. We are encouraged to pray that the sanctity of life might be recognized and appreciated. We are called to proclaim the inherent dignity of human life—focusing on the idea that condition and circumstance cannot negate the right to life.

So, as we acknowledge Respect Life Month, we often place our attention on advocating for those whose lives are deemed insignificant. We support and pray for those in danger of being cast aside as anything other than human. We shed love and light on those society has deemed as unlovable. And we do this all because Christ calls us to.

Because, during His ministry on earth, Jesus did not merely support the lives of people who were convenient to society. He stood with the marginalized. He stood with the oppressed. His heart overflowed with love for the least of the world.

Jesus understood that these people needed His love. And they still do. The people suffering from neglect and repression are so in need of love because love gives life. It gives purpose. It gives hope.

So, friends, I invite you to pray for a deeper respect for life with me. May we pray particularly for the lives most in need of love and grace.

A Litany For Life

For the disabled, that they may be attuned to inclusivity regardless of their impairments…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For the elderly, that they may continue to be appreciated and respected…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For the homeless, may they receive the resources they need to survive and endure…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For the unborn, that their vulnerable and innocent lives may be valued…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For prisoners on death row, that they may receive mercy and forgiveness…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For immigrants, that they may successfully find shelter and asylum…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For those wounded by racism, may they receive equality after generations of discrimination…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For members of the queer community, may hateful prejudice subside and be replaced with fruitful conversations and compassion…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

For the healing of those who have fallen victim of hatred and inhumanity…Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your world as Your love would have it.

That we may strive to protect the weak…Lord, help us to cultivate values centered around love and life.

That we may build peace founded on justice…Lord, help us to cultivate values centered around love and life.

That we may refrain from judging people and deeming them menial…Lord, help us to cultivate values centered around love and life.

That we may radiate the love of Christ regardless of people’s circumstances…Lord, help us to cultivate values centered around love and life.

May we have the inspiration and courage to defend life…Lord, help us to cultivate values centered around love and life.