A Litany For Surrender

As humans, we like control. It can be exceedingly difficult for us to accept that we just will not get to plan out or sway certain situations.

Lately, I have been really struggling to trust and surrender. With various unknowns ahead of me, I have been filled with fear and frustration. Instead of relying on God and His sovereignty, I often depend on my own knowledge.

So, I have taken my desire to prayer. I want to be transformed, to grow to be more confident in our Lord. Through prayer, I wrote this litany. If you struggle with distrust, I invite you to pray along with me!

A Litany For Surrender

From anxiety about the future… Deliver me, Jesus.

From excessive preoccupation… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of complete control… Deliver me, Jesus.

From depending on myself more than I depend on You… Deliver me, Jesus.

From restlessness rooted in the unpredictable… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the belief that I have to have it all figured out… Deliver me, Jesus.

From dissatisfaction in my vocation and current state of life… Deliver me, Jesus.

From irritation when things happen unexpectedly… Deliver me, Jesus.

From distrust in Your inexhaustible love… Deliver me, Jesus.

For trust in Your plan for my life… Lord, everything is Yours, do with it what You will.

That I may find peace in knowing You are sovereign… Lord, everything is Yours, do with it what You will.

For discernment and further union with Your intentions… Lord, everything is Yours, do with it what You will.

That I may cling to joy as I face the unknown… Lord, everything is Yours, do with it what You will.

That I may truly believe that Your love and mercy will fulfill me… Lord, everything is Yours, do with it what You will.