A Prayer For The New Year

Merry Christmas, friend! I pray that this season has been full of joy and rest, and I hope that you have come to better understand how abundant God’s love is for you.

As this year comes to a close, we are all starting to shift toward how we are going to do better in 2022. I know this can become overwhelming to me. Sometimes it can be so tempting to consume ourselves in the idea of what we could be that we forget to recognize how much progress we have already made.

Throughout our lives, we have been drawing ourselves nearer to sanctity. However, our Lord chose to love us before any of our growth. And He continually meets us where we are.

So, yes, we should always be striving for excellence. But, our worth as human beings cannot be altered by how successfully we stick with our new year’s resolutions.

My friend, let’s enter into this new year filled with unshakeable peace as we dwell in the Father’s vast love for us. May His affection motivate us to strive for greatness; may His compassion console us in our failures.

A Prayer For The New Year

Dear Lord, thank You for all of the blessings You abundantly poured out on me over this past year. As I enter into this new year, help me to be aware of Your presence and cognizant of Your working hand. May this year be filled with zeal, joy, and fruit. In the sorrow and suffering, may I persevere with faithful hope. In the uncertainty, may I cling to trust. When I fall, may I draw nearer to Your merciful heart. Lord, guide me so that I may prioritize Your will; may Your unceasing love provide me with ambition and confidence. Thank You for the grace of a fresh start, may 2022 lead me closer to Your heart and Your ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.