An Introduction

Hello my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ!! I am Mariclaire and I am so incredibly passionate about spreading the love and word of the Lord with others. I am a firm believer that personal testimonies need to be shared because they can truly change the lives of others. My main goal in life is to reach sainthood and lead others to heaven.

In my free time, I enjoy taking photos, reading a good book, and spending time with my family and friends. I currently serve on the Diocese of Charleston’s Evangelization Team; being a member on this team has already been a life changing experience for me. Good community is oh so important to me, and I am (imperfectly) striving to become the best sister and friend I can possibly be.

Talitha Koum

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus resurrects a little girl, saying, “talitha koum!” (which means, “little girl, I say to you, arise!”). Mark 5:41 has been a significant reminder of how Jesus has delivered me from the death and conviction of sin and has given me new life. My first blog post addresses more about Mark 5:41’s significance to me.