Fostering Faithful Friendships

Lately, I’ve been pondering the importance of fostering faith-filled friendships.

As cliché as it may sound, friends have the potential to help us discover Christ. Having a reliable and authentic support system is so beneficial for our spiritual journey to heaven. Not only are friends useful in holding us accountable, but they can often reveal characteristics of God.

Regardless of how our friendships form, we are invited to recognize God’s presence in each person we encounter.

When life throws curveballs of inconsistency, disappointment, or confusion, genuine friends make that pain more tolerable. When God seems distant, He proves His nearness by using the people we love as instruments of His goodness and grace.

I’ve been experiencing some overwhelm and frustration and discontentment recently. I’ve also been going through a season of spiritual dryness, so feeling God’s nearness is hard. Prayer is hard. Cultivating joy and hope is hard.

Even still, the Lord has continued to show His kindness through the people who love me. When it’s hard to pick up on His work in my life, His presence lies within the people around me.

When my friends gently listen to what I have to say, I am reminded of the Lord’s compassion. His wisdom shines through their advice and words of affirmation. When their voices flood with joyful praise, I remember the light of Christ’s salvation. Their dependability nudges me to recall the Father’s nearness.

Many of them are always willing to pray with me when it’s hard for me to do it alone. They pray for me when I can’t find the words. They check in on me. They encourage me. They affirm me and hold me accountable. My friends and I want to meet each other in heaven, so we strive to reflect the face of Jesus to one another and to build each other up in our path to sanctity.

Firm friendships can help us deepen our personal relationships with Christ. As we begin to acknowledge the face of Christ in other people, we also begin to know Him more intensely. When we note God’s goodness reflected onto others, we become more aware of Him working in our lives. My friend, all love originates from God. By accepting that the love others pour out is merely borrowed from our Lord, we can come to more deeply appreciate His affection. He is constantly inviting us to know Him through others.