
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:1

A lot of times I find myself doing a lot more asking than praising. I can definitely get so caught up in all of my desires that I forget how blessed I am.

Sometimes, my two youngest siblings, Aveline and Miles, ask me to pray with them. When I pray with them, I ask them to say what they’re thankful for. Aveline always says she’s thankful that God gave her sprinkles. Miles says he’s grateful for LEGOs. I used to want to interrupt their list and say, “no, what are y’all really thankful for?” However, I’ve come to appreciate their gratitude for the simple things.

I tend to skip over the little things, but even the smallest blessings are still blessings. Even in the midst of struggle and pain, there is still good – be it little or great. I am certainly guilty of focusing on my struggles and complaining; too often, I don’t recognize the positive aspects of my life.

Pope Francis once said, “Joy springs from a grateful heart.” I not only feel like this is relatable to me personally, but scientific research has also supported this statement. There is actually a correlation between complaint and stress. When you complain, you release more cortisol hormones which induce stress. So, looking past struggles and inconveniences can really boost happiness.

We are called to be joyous and thankful, and seeing God’s love in the simple things can lead us to do just that. Instead of getting weighed down by our hardships, we should rejoice because God is so good.

Heavenly Father, thank You for all of my many, many blessings. Although I may not always recognize it, I know that You have bestowed on me so many gifts. I ask that I can always have the eyes to see Your good, and that I can praise You in any trials I face. May I always remember that my blessings are greater than my problems. Amen.