He Reveals Himself Through Us

Over the weekend, I got to volunteer to help lead the confirmation retreat at my parish. It was really sweet to work with my peers, striving to glorify God and inviting Him to use us as His instruments. It was also sweet to witness some of the confirmandi have very real encounters with Christ.

As I reflect on this weekend, I keep being met with the simple reality that our growth is never quite complete. Our faith is constantly pushing us to know God more and to grow more in virtue and to place more trust in the Father.

Throughout my high school experience, I have encountered many leadership opportunities. Within the Church, I have gotten to serve so many teens. I have been asked to give my testimony and share my story. So often, I am asked to share Christ’s love with others.

When I considered getting involved in youth ministry in my diocese, I felt incredibly unworthy. I was still learning. I still struggled with plenty of aspects of my faith.

But is that not the point?

We live as testaments of God’s mercy, not because we are perfect but because we are imperfect. We do not have to have it all together to glorify Him. Our brokenness does not tarnish His majesty.

Sanctity is a lifelong process, and we cannot answer our call to spread His goodness if we wait until we have completely perfected our own faith. We must acknowledge that our own ability is insufficient and God’s sovereignty will cover our flaws.

It takes a lot of humility. We have to recognize our own littleness, truly allowing Him to fill in the gaps with grace. We are not worthy to preach or serve or minister, but, when He guides us, He is capable of revealing Himself to others.

So, friend, if you are doubting your ability to successfully share Christ with others, know that He is capable of sharing Himself through you. You do not have to know Him perfectly. You do not have to completely understand His will. Rather, you just have to allow Him to consume you. You have to invite Him to guide your actions. And you will continue to learn and grow as you go.