
So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.

Matthew 24:44

Happy Advent my dear friends! We have officially entered the Season of Advent, and we are now focusing on preparing our hearts for Christ.

This past Sunday, our Gospel was Matthew 24:37-44, growing up a regular attendee of Mass, I have heard this passage countless times. When I heard this piece of Scripture, I would get an uneasy feeling. Discussion about the end of time always filled me with anxiety. However, Jesus does not want us to be fearful when we hear this passage, but He wants us to be hopeful.

Advent exists so that we can set ourselves back toward Christ. Jesus desires for our hearts to be healed and restored. We are given this specific time to draw ourselves into a deeper, more intimate love for our Lord.

When I’m expecting a friend to come over to my house, I do lots of thorough cleaning, I light candles, I spend lots of time organizing, and I very joyfully prepare myself for my company. When I’m not anticipating company, I carelessly clean and organize. I do not prepare myself for company when I am not expecting anyone.

During this First Week of Advent, our focal point is hope. We have been told that Jesus is going to come at an unforeseen time, and with that warning we should be filled with the wish to efficiently prepare ourselves, to clean ourselves up, for the Coming of Christ. The restoration of our hearts shouldn’t be done with a lukewarm attitude. The thought of Jesus’ coming should fill us with such joy and hope that we enthusiastically scrub our hearts of shame and sin in order to give our Lord a pristine place to stay.

No matter how broken or tarnished we may feel, Jesus chooses us. He has given us this time to make ourselves new, to prepare ourselves for Him. With vivacious love, humility, devotion, and vulnerability, let’s make the mangers in our hearts ready for Jesus.

Dear Jesus, as the Church enters the Season of Advent, I pray that I come into it with a hopeful heart. Lord, heal my heart and cleanse it from its impurities. I trust in our deep connection and I yearn to grow a stronger relationship with You. Guide me as I prepare myself for You. In Your Most Holy and Precious Name, Amen.