Hope Through The Immaculate Conception

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

Today we commemorate the notion that the Blessed Mother was always preserved from original sin. Beginning at the moment of her conception, her soul has remained pure and without stain. In everything, her virtue magnified the Lord.

Even though her perfection might seem daunting in comparison to our faults and blemishes, she has enabled our hope to be restored.

Our world is fragmented. Our hearts are battered and bruised. Yet, Mary, who was born without any fault, flawlessly points to our Lord’s compassion. With a simple yes, Mary helped the Father enact His plan for salvation. Through her humble submission, our God continues to mend the vanquish in our world.

And what she wants most for us is to know her Son. God crafted our Immaculate Mother not for her benefit but for ours. Mary lent her own DNA to the Son of God, her cells built His human body around His divine soul, her womb sustained God, and her body birthed Him into the world all because our God thirsts to know us. He came to earth to understand us, to form personal relationships with us, and to save us.

Our own Mother is the quintessential model of faith, and she longs to tenderly guide us to the warm embrace of the Father. When we so often fall into sin and fail to act through the love of God, Mary gently encourages to continue striving for better. Her example reminds us to take courage, to act with charity, and, most importantly, to draw closer and closer to our Lord.

Through her humble submission to God, Mary not only allowed for the salvation of the world, but she also became the Mother of the Church. This is not because of anything she did on her own, but it is because her intimate union with God molded her to be so unique and generous. And, in her motherhood, she nudges us to lean ever closer to the Lord in order to grow nearer to His perfection.

So, friend, let’s honor Mary’s noble humility by zealously seeking her Son.