Jesus, Help Me To Prioritize Your Peace

This time of year is busy.

All sorts of deadlines are coming up. There are so many events to prepare for. So many commitments are requiring diligent work.

Quite often, these seasons of busyness and noise prompt me to believe that my worth is rooted in my productivity.

I cannot be satisfied until I turn this assignment in.

I do not deserve to rest until this task is finished.

This project is more important than prayer right now.

How often do we starve ourselves from joy and fruition for the mere sake of getting things done? Why do we sell our peace in exchange for busyness and overwhelm? If we know the Father breathes goodness and love into our lungs, why do we seek to prove our worth through menial endeavors?

Society pushes us to exceed our limits in order to achieve temporal goals. However, God calls us to nourish our bodies, minds, and souls. Therefore, we cannot neglect our spiritual wellbeing while striving for earthly success. We must consume ourselves in love rather than achievements, and we cannot burn ourselves out from spiritual malnourisment.

Friend, I don’t know what your season of life looks like right now. Maybe you are tired, maybe you are feeling quite fulfilled, or maybe you are in a season of unfathomed peace. Maybe you, too, are feeling the overwhelm of boundless mundane toiling. If so, I invite you to pray with me.

A Litany For Restless Toilers

That I may remember Your love for me is not altered by my productivity… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may not let work rob me of my joy… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may recognize that my worth does not lie in the number of things I check off of my to-do list… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may forget about my agenda when I come to You in prayer… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may take necessary time to rest in the stillness of Your presence… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That my faults and mistakes may not withhold me from entering into Your love… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may complete my tasks in moderation when things seem to pile up… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.

That I may never grow tired or turning to You… Jesus, help me to prioritize Your peace.