My Soul Is Growing Weary

Lord, my soul is growing weary.

I find myself confiding in false securities. My shame is ever growing as I turn to the same sins. I often question whether my life has meaning or worth.

I know my worth is found in You, Jesus. Your Sacrifice on the Cross restored my dignity. Your abundant grace continuously heals my wounds.

Still, I feel unsettled. I feel restless. My heart is battered and bruised. My mind is full of noise. Satan disturbs my peace with deceit.

Lord, my soul is growing weary.

Life is moving so quickly, and I struggle to ever slow down. I know You offer peace and comfort. But how? When?

I cannot articulate the right words to pray. When I turn to You, my mind wanders. It is never just me and You. Other thoughts are always running through my head. I am often distracted. Our time together is interrupted.

I yearn for silence. I want to sit in Your embrace without noise or distractions. Without any sense of expectation, I want to rest with You.

Lord, my soul is growing weary.

Help me to find solace in You. Give me the discipline to make time to truly rest. Sweet Jesus, I need Your peace. Since I so greatly struggle to manage the insecurities of this world, I need to immerse myself in Your secure love.

Without taking the time to rest in Your serene presence, I am tired and I am discouraged. Because when I fail to still my heart to dwell in You, I also fail to fill my heart with Your joy, hope, and love.

In order to be Your servant, I know I must reside in Your pure goodness. I must become little and take repose in Your arms, but I so often fail.

Lord, my soul is growing weary.

I believe that You can renew my peace and passion. Time and again, I have seen Your graces heal. Please restore the breath in my lungs.

Without You, I am spent. I cannot go on as worn as I am. In order to live out Your call, I need to escape from the clamor surrounding me.

So, I rest and I receive. Without talking, and without expecting You to speak, I sit in Your presence. Your peace mends. Your love makes all good.

Lord, You make my soul grow zealous.