Defending The Unborn
Saturday marks 49 years since the Roe v. Wade decision. For 49 years, The United States Supreme Court has deemed a woman’s choice to have an abortion as a Constitutional… Read More
Lies About Mental Health
I am very passionate about addressing the stigma surrounding mental illness in the Catholic Church. So often, I have witnessed others negate their potential for sainthood because of mental illness.… Read More
Follow His Light
Tomorrow, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany. Through this celebration, we recognize the visit of the Magi to Jesus, commemorating Christ’s physical manifestation to the Gentiles. We all… Read More
A Prayer For The New Year
Merry Christmas, friend! I pray that this season has been full of joy and rest, and I hope that you have come to better understand how abundant God’s love is… Read More
The Worth Of Our Souls
Christmas is just days away, and, no matter where you are, I pray that you find solace in the reality of Christ’s birth. In the Nativity of Christ, God was… Read More
Mary Is Advent Personified
Since I am placing extra emphasis on Mary’s faith this Advent season, I was recently doing some reading to reflect on her example. I came across an article that defined… Read More
Hope Through The Immaculate Conception
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception! Today we commemorate the notion that the Blessed Mother was always preserved from original sin. Beginning at the moment of her conception, her soul… Read More
Leaning On Mary This Advent
Happy Advent, friend! This liturgical season is one of my favorites—it is so sweet to enter into the joyful anticipation of Christmas. As Catholics, this season reminds us to recenter… Read More
Reflecting With Gratitude
My life is often full of grumbling. The other day, in honor of Thanksgiving, one of my teachers had us go around and express our gratitude for things that give… Read More
Pondering Joy
Lately, I’ve been pondering joy. Because so often we find ourselves believing that happiness equates to joy—that we are incapable of experiencing God’s goodness in the midst of struggle. We… Read More
Rest + Stillness
As a whole, society has a heavy reliance on stimulation. We spend hours thoughtlessly scrolling and indulge in entertainment that is, quite often, fruitless. How often do we wholly rest?… Read More
The Law of Love
Lately, the law of love has been pressing on my heart. As God invites us to be part of His people, He calls us to love. Time and again, we… Read More


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