A Litany For Life
October is Respect Life Month. The Gospel of life is emphasized throughout this month. We are encouraged to pray that the sanctity of life might be recognized and appreciated. We… Read More
Struggling Virtuously
Lately I’ve been thinking about the way I encounter struggle. So often, I meet it with impatience and anger and restlessness. When someone cuts me off, I loudly complain with… Read More
Prayerful Ways to Cultivate Rest
My days are full of a lot of noise. I am frequently surrounded by distractions and interruptions. This can make it difficult to be intentional and to truly reflect on… Read More
A Litany For Surrender
As humans, we like control. It can be exceedingly difficult for us to accept that we just will not get to plan out or sway certain situations. Lately, I have… Read More
Saint Thérèse + the Humanity of the Saints
On Friday, we celebrate the feast of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Saint Thérèse was one of the first Saints I learned about in extensive detail; her story compelled me to… Read More
Rejoicing in the Growth and Goodness of Others
As members of the Church, we often succumb to envy. When we witness someone doing holy and righteous things, we often seek to dwell in their imperfection. We frequently allow… Read More
Simple Prayers To Pray Throughout The Day
Lately, I have really been appreciating the power of reciting simple prayers throughout the day. I have always struggled to sit down and focus in order to pray for an… Read More
Suffering Intentionally
Lately I’ve been pondering the concept of suffering. We obviously have a God who understands suffering. Christ experienced so much agony throughout His life on earth. Our Lord is truly… Read More
Promises of the Rosary
I have always had a difficult time praying the Rosary. It’s a long prayer. It can be hard to fully immerse myself in the mysteries. I easily lose focus while… Read More
Called To Love
As Christians, the most crucial thing Jesus calls us to do is to love. This seems like such a simple task, yet we fail so often. Our selfishness, pride, ingratitude,… Read More
Spirit-Led Conversations
Lately I’ve been feeling extra grateful for the gift of spiritual conversations. It has become quite clear to me that God created us for community and accountability. We are not… Read More
Writing A Personal Litany of Saints
One of my favorite things about being Catholic is the friends we have in the Saints. Each and every Saint has their own unique story. They all were broken, they… Read More


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