The Way The Wild Flowers Grow
If you know me at all, you are probably aware that I am an anxious person. I like control. I like to know everything. Patience and trust do not come… Read More
Nothing Is Wasted
The fear of not being enough often hinders me in my faith. I think that, as humans, we can frequently get caught up in a false sense of humility. We… Read More
We Get To Choose
The concept of free will has been on my heart lately. Our Lord is an advocate for freedom, so much so that He gifted us with free will. We are… Read More
Accepting and Inclusive
Welcome anyone who is weak in faith, but not for disputes over opinions. // Romans 14:1 By “weak in faith,” Paul is likely referring to Jewish Christians who continued to… Read More
In Everything, A Prayer
Recently, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the lack of consistency in my prayer life. Some days, I fill my time with prayer and the Word. On other days, I struggle… Read More
Proclaiming The Truth
Hi friend! I’m back! I apologize for being MIA over these past couple of weeks. Writing these blog posts has brought me so much joy. Most of the time, the… Read More
The Beatitudes and Inherent Dignity
As a Catholic, I sometimes have trouble discerning which issues I should stand for. In today’s world, we are considered educated when we think a certain way and believe certain… Read More
When Mental Illness Interferes With Prayer
If I’m being honest, it has been very difficult for me to open my Bible lately. There are numerous occasions where I fall asleep with my rosary in hand, failing… Read More
Even In Our Brokenness
Right before kindergarten, I was diagnosed with selective mutism, which is a childhood anxiety disorder that is characterized by a child’s inability to speak and communicate effectively in certain settings.… Read More
Mental Health And The Sorrowful Mother
May is mental health awareness month; in the Church, it is also the month of Mary. When we think about Mary, we may think of Jesus’ super virtuous mom who… Read More
He Makes Things Grow
Last week, I shared about the humanity of the Saints. In reflecting on the Saints’ stories and weaknesses, we can realize that it really is God’s mercy, and our cooperation… Read More
The Humanity of the Saints
I have always enjoyed learning about the Church’s Saints. In particular, I enjoy looking into the ways that they were not so different from myself. The Saints were real people… Read More


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