Pondering Joy

Lately, I’ve been pondering joy.

Because so often we find ourselves believing that happiness equates to joy—that we are incapable of experiencing God’s goodness in the midst of struggle. We either dwell in sadness, succumbing to despair, or we suppress our hurt. We fail to recognize that joy that springs from great delight in our Lord.

Joy is a part of our identity. Pure, authentic joy is rooted in having an intimate relationship with Christ, and it cannot be tainted by negative emotions.

Faith is not a foundation of emotions or experiences, but it is an understanding of God and His goodness. When society is so enthralled in feelings and sentiments, it can be easy to restlessly pursue pleasure and enjoyment. We seek instant gratification just for the thrill of feeling something.

Righteous hope in the Father supplies us with long-lasting joy, though. It supplies us with joy that coexists with pain and grief and suffering. It supplies us with joy that never ceases to believe in the capacity of Heavenly goodness.

Friend, it’s not about being happy all the time. It’s not about ignoring our pain. It’s about recognizing that God’s grace can refine the brokenness of the world. Joy is about trusting in His promise and leaning on His peace.

Because He is faithful and He is good.

Despite our ache, He is ever-present and ever-working. His charity pours forth, filling in the frailty of our humanity. His compassion spills into every depth of our lives, covering us with His kindness in the midst of the world’s cruelty.

So, my friend, rejoice! God’s character is hard for us to grasp as fallible humans, but His promises are filled with humility and justice. You are free to feel your feelings while also believing that God is able to relieve the weight of your burdens. You are free to struggle while also trusting in the goodness of God.