
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Luke 21:33

As we approach the end of the Liturgical Year and the Season of Advent, we really focus on preparing ourselves for Christ. Throughout Advent we are asked to be alert and ready our hearts for the Second Coming of Christ while recalling Christ’s first coming at Christmas.

I remember hearing the word “prepare” very frequently during this time of year. When I was younger, I figured that preparing for Christmas was just lighting the candles on the Advent wreath and pretending to be attentive while my mom read Advent devotions aloud to our family every night at dinner. Being a typical child, Advent was always the few weeks that I had to get through before I could open all of my presents on Christmas.

However, I discovered that Advent is so much more than fighting over who gets to light the Advent wreath with my siblings. Advent is so much more important than decorating the Christmas tree perfectly. It is the season where we prepare our hearts in gratitude for Christ’s love for us.

During this upcoming liturgical season, we are asked to make ready the mangers in our hearts for Little Jesus. With love, devotion, openness, and humility, we take a stand for God in our lives. We must willingly repent and change our ways in order to grow closer to Jesus.

As we approach the First Sunday of Advent, let’s begin readying ourselves for Christ by praying, repenting, and converting our hearts.

Jesus, as the Church enters the Season of Advent, I ask that I can fully open myself up to You. I long to live every moment in preparation for eternity. Heal my heart, Lord. Take away everything that distances me from You. Help me to look past the secular distractions that surround me this time of year, may I always remember to focus on You. Amen.