Preparing For Lent

With Ash Wednesday just a week away, I find myself pondering over what Lent will look like this year. Lent is my favorite liturgical season, but I also find it the most challenging.

I struggle a lot with discipline, so entering Lent can be difficult. However, it has helpful for me to note that the purpose of Lent is not to suffer in vain. Rather, it is to really focus on leaning into Christ’s suffering by replicating His sacrifice and His departure into the desert. We use this time to step away from our human selfishness, turning toward fruitfulness and sanctity.

Throughout Lent, the Church typically places an emphasis on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. These disciplines are not meant to increase our suffering or to mortify us. Instead, they are meant to improve us, drawing our souls nearer to the joy of the Resurrection. Therefore, our Lenten goals and sacrifices should aim to free us from the things that obstruct our relationships with God and weigh us down on our journeys to Heaven.

To ensure that we use Lent to bear goodness and fruit, we need to take the time to reflect on what is hindering us in our spiritual lives.

What is interfering with my relationship with God?

Are there any prayerful habits I have abandoned but should accustom myself to again?

How can I use my gifts to better glorify God?

Where does my attention currently lie?

As we prepare to enter into Lent, we must withhold ourselves from earthly attachments in order to better prepare for God’s promise of Eternal Life. When Jesus departed into the desert, He was totally separated from the noise of the world. He tasted, He prayed, and He withstood temptation. Similarly, Lent invites us to draw away from worldly things.

40 Ideas For Lent:

  1. Participate in Fiat 40/Exodus Lent
  2. Fast on Wednesdays and Fridays
  3. Wake up on your first alarm
  4. No unnecessary purchases
  5. Give up cursing
  6. Turn off the radio in your car
  7. Stop gossiping
  8. Drink only one cup of coffee a day
  9. Sleep without a pillow
  10. Stop procrastinating and multitasking
  11. Give up snacking
  12. Take cold showers
  13. Stop texting while driving
  14. Don’t use mirrors
  15. Listen to only worship music
  16. Stop talking about yourself
  17. Avoid sarcasm and be more genuine
  18. Stay off of your phone while with other people
  19. Stop speeding
  20. Go to daily Mass once or twice a week
  21. Pray a different litany everyday
  22. Pray the Angelus everyday at 12:00 pm
  23. Make a goal to read an entire book of the Bible
  24. Go to Confession once a week
  25. Pray the Examen at the end of the day
  26. Go to a weekly Holy Hour
  27. Make an effort to pray a daily Rosary
  28. Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet everyday
  29. Practice gratitude and keep track of what you’re thankful for
  30. Do a nightly Examination of Conscience
  31. Participate in the 40 bags in 40 days challenge
  32. Each day of Lent, write an affirmation letter to someone special
  33. Donate canned goods to a local food pantry
  34. Give old clothing to charities
  35. Make an effort to do acts of service to your family
  36. If you give up unnecessary spending, donate some of that money to organizations or people in need
  37. Volunteer at local charities
  38. Reach out to old friends to let them know you miss them
  39. If texting consumes a lot of your time, write more letters
  40. Make warm meals for people who are busy or in need

I pray that this season helps you to refocus your life around God. As long as you are seeking to grow nearer to the heart of Jesus, I believe your sacrifices, prayers, and acts of charity will bear great fruit.

Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash