Reflecting With Gratitude

My life is often full of grumbling.

The other day, in honor of Thanksgiving, one of my teachers had us go around and express our gratitude for things that give us joy. It was a captivating experience. At first, my peers and I were uncomfortable with the idea of sharing the impactful things in our lives. It was difficult to overcome the urge to cling to negativity in order to communicate our appreciation.

I feel like we have normalized dwelling in ingratitude and cynicism. Many of us have allowed ourselves to become uneasy at the idea of expressing joy. Because of this, we become consumed in complaint and dissatisfaction.

How often do we take the time to pause in order to soak in life’s bliss? When we feel like nothing will ever suffice, do we reflect on the ounces of joy our souls have collected throughout our lives?

Dear friend, our God is constantly pouring graces into our lives. He’s working ever so diligently, proving His love and consistency. So often we close our hearts to it, though. We fail to let His love fill us up. We close our eyes to His goodness. Consequently, we trap ourselves in mediocrity, void of peace and fulfillment.

So, I invite you to reflect on the things that have brought you a sense of Christ’s radiance. Rather than clinging to the things that go wrong, let’s persevere in knowing that there is joy and fruit, even in the mundane, even in the challenges, and even in the suffering.

There are plenty of wonderful things to motivate us to struggle on.

Sweet Jesus, I am oftentimes ungrateful for the countless gifts You so generously pour down on me. Help me to open my eyes, my heart, and my soul to see Your hand in all the goodness around me so that I may be filled with Your tender and loving joy. I am so undeserving of what you so freely give. I pray that I might become more aware of my blessings and more appreciative of You, Lord. In Your Most Holy Name, I pray. Amen.