Small Steps Toward Justice

Lately, I’ve been feeling quite overwhelmed by the brokenness in the world—-so overwhelmed that I have become numb to it.

This world is full of pain and injustice. People are hurting. And, Jesus does not call us to turn a blind eye on those who are suffering. He does not want us to suppress our our agony.

Yet, the carrying the weight of all the world’s burdens can be so exhausting. We turn to pessimism and cynicism. We succumb to weariness.

It seems so convenient to lose hope. It seems so easy to lose the motivation to advocate for goodness. When it seems impossible to make a difference and call for justice, we give up.

We aren’t called to give up, though. It is impossible for us to do everything. As individuals, we cannot heal every ounce of brokenness in the world. If we allow Jesus to use us, though, we can initiate improvement.

Saint Oscar Romero once said, “We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.” I think these words are very encouraging. We often allow our pride to convince us that we must fix everything in order to make a significant difference, but, by taking small steps that are guided by the Holy Spirit, healing can begin.

We cannot betray the Gospel when the weight of the world seems too heavy. Rather, we must accept our littleness and ask God to aid us in defending the vulnerable, comforting the hurt, and achieving overall justice.

So, friend, if you’re feeling weighed down by the injustices of the world, know you are not alone. However, know that you are also not responsible for deconstructing all inequity. I invite you to join me in prayer—for those who are hurting and oppressed and tired—and I ask that you join me in seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we strive to make human dignity known.

Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash