Small Things, Great Love

Love does no evil to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law.

Romans 13:1

This past weekend, I got to witness 500 middle schoolers attend the Diocese of Charleston’s Junior High Rally. It was so inspiring to feel the love and joy that filled the air when hundreds of strangers gathered together to glorify our God. A warm smile, asking for a name, or even holding a door are such simple acts, but they can spread such authentic and genuine love to others.

Today’s readings really emphasize love and serving others for the sake of the Lord. For a while, I thought that super extravagant acts needed to be done in order to show love to others. However, in reality, the most undemanding tasks can make a person feel so loved. Even in the mundane, routine details of our lives, we can find ways to show God’s love to others.

Yesterday I had a substitute teacher in math class. I was really stressed, and I did not have a very positive attitude about sitting in that classroom. The substitute started going around, asking us all individually about our interests and what we wanted to do after high school. When she got to me, I honestly felt so joyful knowing that she was attentive to what I had to say. Just a couple minutes of small talk made my day a little better.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta had so many thoughts about love. One of my favorite quotes is, “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.” We do not need to be caught up in doing large gestures for others. Rather, we should focus on the love that we are pouring into the smallest and simplest activities.

Love and joy are so contagious. Showing love to one person will likely lead them to distribute that love to others, and then they have the opportunity share it with even more people. So, whenever we get the chance to, we should go out of our way and do something to make someone feel cared for in order to spread God’s love.

Gracious God, I strive to love as You do. Help me to remember that even the smallest things can reveal Your great love. The unnoticed acts of humility, service, and love all are bricks that build up Your Kingdom. Guide me, Lord, to build Your Kingdom, brick by brick. In Jesus’ name. Amen.