Spirit-Led Conversations

Lately I’ve been feeling extra grateful for the gift of spiritual conversations.

It has become quite clear to me that God created us for community and accountability. We are not meant to journey to heaven alone, so it is important that we communicate with like-minded people about our prayer lives, our struggles, and our beliefs.

Conversations led by the spirit have enabled so much growth for me. They have humbled me, made me feel understood, and invited me to be vulnerable. When I hold onto the content of these conversations, praying with them and reflecting on them, I find so much fruit and fullness.

Christ often speaks to us through the words of over people. Time and again, I have felt His love, had prayers answered, or had realizations while talking to a member of His Church. He reveals Himself to us through the words of other people.

We have to have an active prayer life and a set relationship Christ to truly recognize the depth of these conversations, though. We cannot share if we are not well-rooted in our faith. Prayers left unsaid probably are not usually answered. Realizations are not made if our hearts are not open spaces. We are not moved when we settle for mediocrity.

Prayer and community go hand in hand. Wholesome community is founded on prayer. Prayer has the ability to take so many new forms when it is included in community. We learn so much from others. They introduce us to new perspectives, spiritualities, devotions. They can try to answer our questions and uplift us when we are struggling. And we can do the same. We can inspire others and make them feel understood.

My friends, may we strive to grow with our loved ones, taking advantage of the accountability we have in them. It is so important that we dwell deeper than the surface, being vulnerable and sharing the insight our Lord blesses us with.

So, pray for your friends. Ask them about their prayer life. Ask them about how God has been working in their lives. Share the light and wisdom He has poured into your life. Allow Him to sponsor growth and fullness of joy.