Still, Easter Is Coming

We are officially a few days into Holy Week and Easter is quickly approaching, which means Lent is wrapping up.

I set numerous goals for myself during this liturgical season. I am participating in Fiat 40 with a group of high schoolers. I joined a spiritual book club. I was determined to establish holy habits. A lot of things went well, while other things did not quite exceed my expectations.

My book club made it about halfway through our book. I have often failed to keep up with the various penances that Fiat 40 entails. Even though I wished to make a weekly Holy Hour and go to Confession multiple times during Lent, I did not.

Still, Easter is coming.

What I have done, and what I have failed to do, will not alter Salvation History.

I think that the point of Lent is to grow greater dependence on God. It’s not about checking things off of a list. It’s not about making vain sacrifices. Rather, it’s about recognizing that we are in constant need of His mercy that changes us and betters us.

Friend, regardless of how your Lent has gone, Jesus is inviting you to lean on Him a little extra during this Holy Week. He wants you to immerse yourself in His sacrifice, so you can understand how extensive His love is for you. He wants you to rest in His mercy and compassion. There is still hope. There is still time to prepare for His Resurrection.

So take the time to quiet yourself. Take the time to pray. Take the time to listen. Focus on your meekness, and allow the Lord’s great love to consume you.

Jesus has already conquered sin and death. We have to accept His victory in our own lives, which means receiving His love and rejecting our own inclinations.