Struggling Virtuously

Lately I’ve been thinking about the way I encounter struggle. So often, I meet it with impatience and anger and restlessness. When someone cuts me off, I loudly complain with irritation. When someone criticizes me, I get bitter and defensive. I struggle to approach my loved ones with gentleness when they need my help.

Obviously, we are all human, and, as humans, we tend to allow our feelings to dictate our actions. In the face of struggle, we show our true character. It is not necessarily in our nature to approach inconveniences with virtue.

However, Christ calls us to radiate His love and joy. This petition does not only apply when it is convenient—our Lord asks us to constantly be testaments of His light.

This is not to say that we should invalidate our feelings, but we should express them enduringly. Our faith should motivate how we choose to address the situations we encounter; God’s goodness is consistent, even when we feel hurt or displeased.

It can be exceedingly difficult for us to be self-aware enough to consciously choose virtue in the midst of annoyance, but it is through intentional perseverance within trials and disturbances that we are molded into saints. So, friend, may we continuously make an effort to be Christ-like, especially when it is difficult.

When we are faced with rudeness, may we ask for gentleness.

When we are criticized, may we ask for humility.

When we are angry, may we ask for the Lord to calm us.

When our hopes and anticipations aren’t met, may we ask for peace with God’s will.

When we are upset, may we ask that we might act in union with the call God has for us.

Through prudent discernment, may we always choose the virtuous way to struggle.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, may we overcome the temptation to act out of hatefulness and pride, filling others with God’s love through patience and charity.