The Worth Of Our Souls

Christmas is just days away, and, no matter where you are, I pray that you find solace in the reality of Christ’s birth.

In the Nativity of Christ, God was made incarnate. He physically manifested Himself on earth. This was not for His own convenience but it was to reveal the worth of our souls.

Our God desires to know us and to love us so much that He humbly came to us in a stable. He did not enjoy luxury or wealth on earth, but He was born poor. When His life could have been full of splendor and opulence, Christ’s meekness proves the value of our human souls.

God’s thirst for each of us individually was immense enough to urge Him to take human form. He lived for us, He suffered for us, and He died for us. And He did it because He loves us. His love is not rooted in a choice or necessity. He loves because that is the truth of who He is.

By His very truth, we are loved and known by Him. All along, we have been. However, Christ’s birth represents the fulfillment of the promises foretold through the prophecies of the Old Testament. Because of Jesus’ birth, we are confident that God is faithful to His promises.

Regardless of whatever might be weighing down your heart or depressing your soul, you are unconditionally loved by God—a God who desires an intimate and personal relationship with you. He came down to earth as a man in order to better relate and connect with you.

So, rejoice, friend. Take some time to intentionally slow down and reflect on just how precious you are to the Father. Friend, let’s grow our confidence in His sovereign truth, never underestimating His deep affection. In Christ’s birth, death, then resurrection, our souls are able to feel their true value and worth.

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash