Writing A Personal Litany of Saints

One of my favorite things about being Catholic is the friends we have in the Saints.

Each and every Saint has their own unique story. They all were broken, they all were human, they all fell short at times. They had incredible faith in our God, though, and they cooperated with His mercy.

When I reflect on the lives of the Saints, I have hope that I might make it to heaven, too. Through their examples and intercessions, I have come to better know God’s love and mercy.

The Saints did not necessarily lead lives that were completely different than our own. They feared some of the same fears, committed some of the same sins, and dealt with similar struggles as us. Now, they are in heaven rooting for us. Souls who are in perfect communion with God, willingly pray for us and love us.

Seeking the intercession of Saints is so powerful. It is so special to call on our older brothers and sisters in heaven to aid us on earth. The Litany of Saints is a well-known Catholic prayer, but I have found it so fruitful to create my own personal litany of Saints.

I have a running list of Saints whom I have a devotion to, and I simply ask them to pray for me. The simple repetition of praying a litany of Saints has been so sweet in my prayer life.

Creating A Personal Litany of Saints

This litany can, and should, change over time. The Saints in my litany have varied depending on the state of my spiritual life. The purpose of this litany is to invite the Saints to support us in our journey to heaven, to remind us to keep our Lord at the center.

1. Mary

I like to start off my litany by asking Mary for her intercession. I typically find a specific title of Mary that I feel drawn to.

2. Names

Many of us are probably named after a Saint. If not, there might be Saint we share a name with. It is so sweet to have the prayers of our namesake.

3. Confirmation Saint

We typically choose a Confirmation Saint when we get confirmed in the Church. These Saints are chosen because they inspire us. They serve as a reminder of our commitment to God. Having our Confirmation Saints in our litanies reminds us to call upon our most significant intercessors.

4. Job/Interests

There is a patron Saint for most professions, hobbies, and interests. I highly recommend doing some research to find some Saints who share passions with you. When you find them, ask them to pray for you!

5. Struggles

There is also a patron Saint for many of the struggles that we face. If there aren’t necessarily patron Saints, there have probably been Saint who has undergone similar issues. I have found so much joy in realizing that there are Saints who understand my pain.

Resources For Learning More About Saints